GungHo Online Entertainment announced that its Lunar Remastered Collection will launch on April 18, 2025. The bundle, containing remasters of Lunar: Silver Star Story Complete and Lunar 2: Eternal Blue Complete, will be available digitally on PC, PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and Nintendo Switch (with support for PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series X|S) for $49.99/€49.99. Physical editions will also be available in North America through Amazon for $59.99 and in Europe from Clear River Games for €54.99.

Lunar: Silver Star Story Complete is a remake of 1992 Sega CD title Lunar: The Silver Star and was originally released for Sega Saturn in Japan in 1996, making its western debut on PlayStation in 1999. The game starts in the village of Burg, where Alex dreams of emulating his hero, Dragonmaster Dyne. He sets out on a journey with his friends; however, the emergence of the Magic Emperor puts the world in peril.

Lunar 2: Eternal Blue Complete is a remake of 1994 Sega CD title Lunar: Eternal Blue. It was released for Sega Saturn in Japan in 1998, before coming to North America on PlayStation in 2000. It is set a thousand years after the events of Lunar: Silver Star Story and follows a young adventurer named Hiro. While exploring an ancient tower, he encounters Lucia, who demands to be taken to the Goddess Althena.



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