Only about 0.1% of Kickstarter campaigns bring in over $1 million. The latest to pass that lofty mark is the OhSnap Mcon mobile gaming controller, which magnetically attaches to an iPhone to add joysticks, buttons and a D-pad.
A prototype of the accessory was on display at CES 2025 where it earned loads of compliments. It “may set a new standard for mobile gaming,” said Engadget, for example.
OhSnap Mcon game controller earns accolades, whopping $1.2 million in crowdfunding
iPhone on-screen controls are fine for simple games involving matching up jewels, popping balloons or moving around playing cards. But virtual buttons and joysticks can be very frustrating for those playing advanced first-person shooters or role-playing games. That’s why there’s a variety of mobile game controllers on the market.
The OhSnap Mcon connects to an iPhone with MagSafe, and then slides out — and up at a slight angle — when it’s time to play. Fold out grips are designed to made the combination easier to hold.
The controller offers Hall-effect joysticks, plus a d-pad and other buttons in the a slightly modified version of the arrangement found on Xbox and PlayStation controllers. That includes shoulder buttons and triggers.
It communicates with the handset via Bluetooth, and is designed to work with a variety of devices, both iOS and Android.

Screenshot: OhSnap
Now on Kickstarter
The Mcon unit at CES 2025 was a prototype, and to pay for the remaining development and the first round of production, OhSnap turned to the crowd-funding site Kickstarter. It’s been a huge success.
The company set a goal of $25,000 and so far raised over $1.23 million — almost 50X its goal. According to Kickstarter, only 881 of over 650,000 launched projects have generated $1M or more in funding.
“The interest in MCON has been overwhelming,” said Ohsnap CEO Dale Backus. “We knew this product was going to be a game-changer in mobile gaming, but it has been incredible to see demand spike so quickly.”
The game controller can now be purchased through Kickstarter for $119. That’s 20% off the retail price of $149.
Fund it on: Kickstarter
The OhSnap Mcon iPhone game controller is scheduled to start reaching customers in August.