New WW2 simulation and strategy game Task Force Admiral has smashed past its Kickstarter goal, raising more than ten times its sought-after funding. Six years in the making and bearing the name of legendary PC developer MicroProse, which brought us the likes of the early Civilization and XCOM games, this new project puts you in charge of American aircraft carriers during the Pacific conflict in 1942. It’s a rich throwback to classic PC games from the ‘90s, and you can even try a demo on Steam right now.

In the wake of the attack on Pearl Harbor, the US Navy’s aircraft carriers are the last line of defense against the Japanese Navy’s Pacific onslaught. Task Force Admiral is a nautical WW2 game that drops you into the heart of this conflict, attempting to recreate “the complexity, the adrenaline, and the uncertainty inherent to WW2 naval command.” This new strategy game started life in 2019 as a “garage project” from three developers at Drydock Dreams, who have partnered with publisher MicroProse to help bring their vision to life.

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Positioned as “one of the most detailed and authentic WW2 naval command games ever attempted,” it offers first-person and ‘God’s eye’ perspectives, allowing you to lead your fleet and planes right from the center of the action. It boasts over 90 classes of ships and 40 aircraft types, “meticulously researched and recreated,” with realistic physics, ballistics, and damage modelling.

The full project is set to include more than 30 “historical and hypothetical scenarios” ranging from December 1941 through February 1943, along with a random scenario generator and a full-fledged scenario builder. You’ll be able to step into the seats of fighters, anti-aircraft guns, and ships to take a more active role in proceedings, and a special ‘War College’ will offer an in-game historical database featuring archival materials and instructional videos on key aspects of carrier task force command.

Six years since it began work, Drydock is “ready to have you try out our baby.” However, it made the decision to launch a modest Kickstarter first. “It’s not about the money,” the team explains. “We could very well launch Task Force Admiral in early access, or make people pay for a beta. But this is not what this is about. At some point we told ourselves, ‘Why not go the whole nine yards and look unabashedly for the ultimate 1990s experience?’”

Task Force Admiral 'big box' edition.

That meant embracing another essential element of ‘90s PC gaming, a classic ‘big box’ release for those who miss the days of physical editions (I still have some from my youth that I treasure, including the likes of Theme Park and Flight Simulator). While Drydock set a relatively low-key initial goal of $18,875 / £14,850, it has reached over $221,000 / £170,000 across nearly 2,000 backers as its final day arrives.

You don’t have to wait for the full launch to try it for yourself, however. A Task Force Admiral demo is out now and available to download free on Steam. Simply head here if you’re curious to take a look for yourself.

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