The Pokémon Company has revealed Pokémon Champions, a new game that is being developed for Android, iOS, and Nintendo Switch.

In Champions, gamers can battle other players worldwide in Pokémon Battle Revolution-style or Pokémon Stadium-style (for the older folks) battles.

The title showed a variety of Pokémon from different generations and even a combination of Mega Evolutions and Terrastalizing for the first time. Champions will also allow users to bring monsters stored in Pokémon Home and from Pokémon Scarlet/Violet. This means that we’ll see different types of battles we’ve never seen before. It’s unclear if Z-Moves or Gigantimaxing is available in Pokémon Champions.

It would also make sense that Pokémon Champions will feature familiar mechanics such as Pokémon Types, Abilities, and moves. With that being said, it’s likely we might even see a competitive scene for Pokémon Champions and possibly name one person the Pokémon Champion.

The game is currently in development, so it’s unclear if it’ll even launch this year.

During Pokémon Presents, we also learned that Pokémon Legends: Z-A will launch later this year with the starters Tepig, Chikorita, and Totodile.

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