The newest update, Techrot Encore came out just a few short days ago and has brought with it a whole slew of awesome content to Warframe. Including, Temple, the Guitar Themed warframe that boasts crazy fiery abilities and a one-of-a-kind exalted guitar. Temple on their own is one of the best warframes we have gotten since Dante last year. But before we get into that, let us go over our sites recommended build to aim for when using them in missions!
Temple Recommended Build
Below is the build for Temple themself, in which you will need at least 2 forma for:

And below will be the build for Lizzie, their exalted guitar that you will need 4 forma for:

Altogether, with the 6 forma you spend, you will get a very good warframe to use in all activities. For starters, Archon Vitality is a must, due to the second heat status effect proc. As well as the duration and range to ensure you get the most out of their abilities to build up Lizzie. Lizzie, on the other hand, needs to be built as you see above. The critical and status effect combo with Hunter Munitions, and Sinister Reach to help the range of the fire breath is essential – not to mention the Primary Merciless addition to help with even further damage output over time.
Finally, below will be my Archon Shard setup for Temple:

You can of course, swap any of these out as you see fit. These are purely for flavor, but the extra strength, armor and casting speed I found very useful.
Temple Review in Warframe
Outside of some clunkiness with Lizzie’s special elemental blasts, Temple is excellent and fun to play with. They boast a lot of fire damage through their first ability. The second ability I do not use as often, but when I do, it is a major boon (mostly against bosses). The third ability allows Temple to just be invincible, then add fire damage to your whole squads weapons. One cool synergy I found was, when using the first ability on the beat, allows for even more heat damage to get stacked with the third ability and replenishing its duration.
I do recommend using abilities only when you can focus on the metronome. This is due to the fact the metronome does not only add more power to the first three abilities, but it also adds bonus ability efficiency. This makes it so Temple can sustain themselves throughout missions, with a little focus. You should definitely look into getting Temple, they are very much worth your time!
Disclaimer – Digital Extremes Provided Temple for Review purposes.