Nintendo Switch 2
Image: Nintendo

Switch 2 placeholder prices have been popping up all over the internet in recent weeks, so is there any truth to these retailer listings? Speaking on the latest episode of Kit & Krysta Podcast, a former Nintendo sales lead has apparently “set the record straight”.

When asked if retailers are in the loop about the price of Nintendo’s new and highly anticipated next-generation hybrid hardware, he claimed these stores know “nothing” and “certainly not price”. Here’s the full exchange:

Kit: “Something that’s happening a lot now is like some retailer will have some listing ‘Switch 2 $400’ and people will be like ‘oh, confirmed’ – what do the retailers know at this point in the game?”

Sean: “Nothing, nothing…certainly not price, almost certainly not any kind of launch date other than maybe a quarter, it always makes me laugh to see these articles like ‘Walmart Canada says the price is going to be this’ Walmart Canada is the last people that are gonna know.”

These comments follow some listings surfacing on certain retailer websites earlier this month suggesting a Switch 2 price could be cheaper than expected. Analysts have also chimed in with some estimates, and these rumours and predictions will likely continue until the system’s price is officially confirmed.

Nintendo is holding a ‘Switch 2 Direct’ broadcast on 2nd April 2025, which will provide a “closer look” at the new system, so hopefully, there’ll be some information about the price then.

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