It’s time to admit it, y’all. We’re getting old. According to an analysis from Video Game Industry Analyst, Mat Piscatella, console gaming is becoming an old person’s novelty. “High income households are becoming a bigger part of the US console hardware market. 49% of US VG console buyers during Q4 2024 had a household income of at least $100k/yr. This is a record high, beating the 48% seen in Q4 2021. This group accounted for only 29% of VG HW purchasers in Q1 2020,” Piscatella said on Bluesky.
“45+ year old buyers accounted for 45% of US console purchasers during Q4 2024, also a record high. Under 44-year-old buyers made up 55% of console purchasers in the quarter, a record low. During Q1 2020, under 44’s made up 69% of purchasers, with 31% being 45+. Console buyers, y’all are getting old. But at least you seem to be making more. So you have that going for you, which is nice.”
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I mean… yeah, that checks out. Younger audiences (and most gamers, by and large) are gravitating toward PC gaming. It’s accessible, there’s a higher likelihood of you being able to retain your games, and you have a wider library to choose from. Plus, it makes more sense to pay a little more money to buy a decent PC that’ll last for longer than whatever console generation we’re in.

in the land of consoles, the pc is king
We’re broke, man. We can’t keep up with the console rat race anymore. If console gaming isn’t completely gone in a decade, it’ll be a luxury for the one-percenters. “Gaming has become a super expensive hobby, in general. For casual play a low end gaming PC might be the cheapest way to play,” one user states.
I mean, Grand Theft Auto VI is rumored to release at a price point of $100. With those kinds of prices, the only sensible option is a reliable, cheaper PC. Personally, the only thing keeping me invested in console gaming is the convenience factor. With a mid- to high-end PC, though? I may make a full pivot over to the future.