Confession time: I’m a Wii U stan. In fact, I’m so much of a Wii U stan that I’d make the argument that it’s Nintendo’s best console since the NES, purely from a hardware perspective. Software-wise, it’s one of the worst, which is a big reason it ultimately failed, but the actual design of the console is ingenious, and I hope against hope the Switch 2 brings back its most defining feature: second-screen gaming.

For the young’uns, the Wii U is a Nintendo console that was announced in 2011 and released in 2012. It looks a lot like the Wii that came before it, but with a peripheral screen you can use as a controller in tandem with your TV. While your TV acts as the traditional display, reacting to input from the directional pad and buttons and displaying the view of the player character, the GamePad’s gyroscope enables motion controls to display what you’re actually aiming at with your real-life hands. I still vividly remember watching its reveal and thinking, “that’s going to be great in horror games,” and I was right. More on that in a minute.

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