PlayStation Plus gamers urged to download new game in spite of hefty install size

Is it truly worth the 150GB+ install size?

The hefty install size of one of PlayStation Plus’ latest games has several users debating installing it entirely, even though the community is doing its best to convince them otherwise.

Over on the r/PlayStationPlus subreddit, one user had a very simple question: is Star Wars Jedi: Survivor worth playing?

“Star Wars Jedi Survivor was just added to the PS Plus catalog. It takes up 152.751 GB,” writes user Delicious_Maize9656.

“Is it worth downloading if I love Jedi Knight 2 Jedi Outcast and think it has the best lightsaber combat ever?

Unsurprisingly, most of the community replied with a resounding “yes”.

“I enjoyed it. Platted it when it first released and was still a buggy mess,” commented user 7MTB7.

”Definitely worth a play through especially since they’ve patched it now.”

“Survivor continues the story of the previous game, Fallen Order. If you like Star Wars, then I’d recommend you play that first and then this,” replied user CleR6.

“They’re both incredible and well put together games, beyond well-worth your time. If you’re not really into Star Wars or stories, then I’d least watch a Fallen Order recap so you can at least have some background info.”

I’m in agreement with them here, in the sense that I’m not really sure Star Wars: Jedi Survivor is worth playing if you haven’t played Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order first, because as fun as the games are, I think they’re best enjoyed when you can get the most out of the story.

However, if you have played the first game, don’t be put off by that ginormous install size.

Admittedly if you’re rocking a standard PS5 model, that is close to like a fifth of the total size of your SSD, but you can probably knock a playthrough of Star Wars: Jedi Survivor out in around 20 hours, so it won’t be sticking around forever.

Featured Image Credit: Sony

Topics: Playstation Plus, PlayStation, PlayStation 5, Sony, Star Wars, Star Wars Jedi Fallen Order

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