After 6 years, a brand new update has been released for Rockstar Games’ classic Bully on mobile. The best part? It’s a big one with new features and we have the entire patch notes below.
Bully on mobile joined GTA+ back in August last year so a influx of new players will have shed light on various issues. Version 1.4 is a large jump from 1.1 which came out in February 2019. This new patch came as a surprise to the Bully community on Tuesday as fans noticed an update appear on their iOS and Android devices.
This update has sparked speculation from fans that an update could come to the PC version soon. The PC port has issues on modern hardware and Rockstar were at least working on one last year which we reported on here. Unfortunately, Valve blocked everyone’s ability to see in-development updates so we have no idea if Rockstar have done anymore work on it.
Rockstar Games have published the detailed patch notes on their support site and it contains a huge amount of bug fixes and improvements. A big improvement is Screen Space Ambient Occlusion being added to select Android devices and haptic feedback across iOS and Android. You can find the full patch notes below:
[March 25, 2025] – Android v1.4.277 / iOS v2025.0319.1406

- Disabled Friends Challenges while we investigate related game issues
- Enabled Screen Space Ambient Occlusion (SSAO) on supported Android devices
- Updated the app icon on Android
- Implemented haptic feedback on iOS and Android
This update includes fixes to improve game stability on 64-bit mobile operating systems and supported devices.
- Fixed an issue that resulted in a race condition during the Mission ‘That Bitch’ making Mandy’s locker unpickable
- Fixed an issue that resulted in the Mission ‘Weed Killer’ not progressing if the window is destroyed before passing through progress point
- Fixed an issue with both fighters at the Freak Show dying at the same time resulting in the game getting stuck on a black screen
- Fixed multiple issues that resulted in AI not attacking Jimmy when in combat
- Fixed an issue in the Mission ‘The Rumble’ that resulted in police cars falling through the floor during the police chase
- Fixed an issue that resulted in the broom being unbreakable with the brick or slingshot to open the door in the ‘Help Gary’ Mission
- Fixed an issue in the Mission ‘Save Algie’ that resulted in a crash after taking Algernon to his locker
- Fixed an issue in the Mission ‘Prep Challenge’ that resulted in Rivals not attacking or defending
- Fixed an issue in the Mission ‘The Tenements’ that resulted in Norton not attacking Jimmy
- Fixed an issue in the Missions ‘The Rumble’ and ‘Fighting Johnny Vincent’ that resulted in the police car not spawning in and gameplay not progressing during the chase sequence
- Fixed an issue that resulted in heap overflow in the Mission ‘Nutcrackin’’
- Fixed an issue when throwing toilet paper over the cubicle during the errand that resulted in a crash
- Fixed an issue that resulted in rendering issues during dodgeball gym class
- Fixed multiple issues that resulted in crashes during minigames
- Fixed an issue that resulted in weapons being incorrectly removed
- Fixed an issue that resulted in a crash due to a problem with vehicle controls
- Fixed an issue that resulted in a framerate drop because of particles generated from car collisions
Game Stability and Performance
- Fixed a race condition that resulted in a crash when starting a new game
- Fixed an issue that resulted in a crash when manually loading a save from the pause menu
- Fixed an issue that resulted in a crash when uploading cloud saves
- Fixed an issue that resulted in downloads getting stuck on Android due to Play Asset Delivery
- Fixed multiple issues affecting touch controls and Bluetooth controllers
- Fixed an issue that resulted in footsteps playing the wrong effect sound
- Fixed an issue that resulted in a crash when attempting to play a speech event
- Fixed an issue that resulted in a crash when deleting a 2D effect
- Fixed an issue that resulted a black screen during camera transitions
- Fixed an issue with in-game fires that resulted in the game crashing
- Fixed an issue that resulted in camera transitions completing before the world is fully loaded and ready to render
- Fixed an issue that resulted in motion rendering on Mali GPUs causing weapon effects, window glows, graffiti tags, and health bars to invert when a weapon was fired
- Fixed an issue that resulted in snow mound model ignoring Screen Space Ambient Occlusion (SSAO)
- Fixed an issue that resulted in incorrect texture compression extension detection on Adreno GPUs
- Fixed an issue that resulted in shadows rendering incorrectly on Adreno GPUs
- Fixed an issue that resulted in memory allocation not aligning on 64-bit CPUs
- Fixed multiple issues that resulted in crashes when objects were accessed before being initialized
- Fixed an issue that resulted in a crash during OpenGL texture upload
- Fixed an issue that resulted in several crashes due to compiler optimizations of older code
- Fixed an issue that resulted in performance being affected across all supported devices and enabled multicore rendering
- Fixed an issue that resulted in calculations in geography class placing flags in the wrong position
- Fixed an issue with sound coordinate calculations that resulted in floating point errors
- Fixed an issue with memory management code that resulted in crashes
- Fixed multiple issues that resulted in file handle leaks
- Fixed an issue that resulted in a crash when the game was attempting to delete a persistent entity incorrectly
- Fixed an issue in join constraint code that resulted in a crash
- Reduced the system load of the audio and asset streaming
- Fixed multiple typecasting errors that resulted in crashes
- Fixed several out of bounds issues
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