At this point, Silksong can be defined less as a ‘videogame that is coming out’ and more of a white whale for its prospective playerbase, which is having more fun in the cycle of deprivation, hope, wilting defeat, and sorrow than I can ever imagine they’d have playing it.
In case you don’t know the score—Silksong was first announced in 2019. You might notice it is now 2025. This has been a constant point of consternation for its playerbase, who have seen a needle move further and further into the horizon with nary a word from developer Team Cherry, bar trailers that lead to nothing, or promises that yes, this game still does actually exist .
Nintendo Directs are one of the leading causes of anguish, and not something we typically write about on this website given we’re, well, PC-focused. Team Cherry, however, has a strong working relationship with Nintendo; as such, these directs could hypothetically feature Silksong as a headlining game. They’re a potential well of confirmation that the long and haunted vigil is finally over.
You are reading this article because there was no news. As always, when this sort of thing happens, I like to turn to the den of madness that is r/Silksong to see how everyone’s getting on.
(Image credit: r/Silksong)
Not well, then.
The thread in question is referencing April 2, when a follow-up Nintendo Direct celebrating the upcoming Switch 2 console will be happening. It’s subtle, but I reckon they’re pinning their hopes on it—you can tell by the way they’ve repeated “APRIL 2 APRIL 2 APRIL 2 APRIL 2” to themselves like a prisoner scratching against an uncaring stone wall. They do end with “new tomodachi life though” which—yeah, pretty hype.
In fact, this whole thing has furthered a tribalistic divide between “doubters” and “believers”. Almost every thread I can find has a downright mythological conflict between these two factions; “Always doubt when you have a chance,” writes a doom prophet in a separate thread. “Never,” replies the embodiment of the indestructible human spirit . Here’s a less sane version of this conflict playing out.
(Image credit: r/Silksong)
Honestly, given the state of the world and my mental fragility (it might just be Friday) I’m sort of vibing with the believer contingent. “Better a clown than a doubter” declares one such acolyte . User Accomplished_Fly878 sweeps in to shut them down , stating “Should we remind you of yesterday?” Cue slapfighting.
Checking in on YouTube channel Daily Silksong News , poor Araraura seems a little…um… tired. On the day before the direct, he blearily stated “I would give my expert opinion that the chance of SIlksong appearing in tomorrow’s Direct is standing at a 99.9% chance”. 24 hours later, our unfailing watcher posted to his Discord with the words “Is this what you wanted?” and a video confirming that, no, there had been no Silksong news. He doesn’t even seem phased at this point. This is a man beyond pain or joy.
As for me, do I think April 2 will bring Skong? Well, I reckon there’s about a 100% chance it will, and a 100% chance it won’t. You might say that’s mathematically impossible, to which I’d say that all physical laws have frayed at the edges. Nothing ever happens, something always happens—these two halves may coexist in the mind of the true and holy faithful.