In Techrot Encore, the newest warframe, Temple, came with a signature side pistol some unique functionaility. This pistol is called Riot-848 and is a bit tricky to use and build for. But before we talk about if it is good or not, let us first go over our sites recommended build for it!

Recommended Build for Riot-848

Below is the build I have been trying for Riot-848, and you will need at least 3 forma for it:

When it comes to Riot-848, it is very hard to find a catch all build for it. Considering its high critical stats, going for the normal Hornet Strike, Galvanized Diffusion and Primed Critical mods combo is a safe bet. Combining Secondary Merciless is a good way to boost its damage over time as well. As for the other mods, I did like using Magnetic Might for a damage boost and critical damage increase. But when it comes to the other two mods, you can either swap out the Viral Combination for either Corossive or even Blast or Gas depending on what you prefer. You do not need to go for the exilus slot if you do not want to. But Spry Sights felt good to use to maneuver around enemies.

Riot-848 Review in Warframe

Same as it is to build, the use case for Riot-848 in Warframe is hard to pinpoint. I like the way it looks and think the idea of its firing mode is cool as well. But outside of its aesthetic and the initial impression wears off, it is hard to figure out how it’s going to fit into the meta in the game. The idea of it causing explosions when you recall it in a similar vein to Cantare is cool, but Cantare has the added bonus of guaranteed red crits and major slash damage. Riot-848 is puncture based and needs other elements to boost its capabilities.

I think it is fine, but nothing to really prioritize in builds, aside from the stylistic flair with Temple. You should still try and farm it out in Stage Defense for the mastery rank points at the least.

Disclaimer – Digital Extremes Provided Riot-848 for Review purposes.

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